About the New Moon Rosh Chodesh Women’s Ritual
No experience is necessary to participate. This is not a workout, rather it’s a time bound ritual for Jewish women* across the ages. Led by Kristi Cox of @LavenderLotusYoga 🪷 Yoga mats and blankets will be provided.
*This event is for all who identify as women or nonbinary, inclusive of all races, classes, abilities, life stages, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, and gender expressions.
**Please note our program will be inspired by the rituals offered by At The Well.
Registration is required no later than March 27, 2025. Please do not wait until the last minute to buy tickets. Limited seating is available.
Jewish Together Temecula Valley is dedicated to building and sustaining Jewish community through local events, celebrations, and social action.
Hosted by: Stacia Deutsch & Jim Seilsopour | Lisa & Mick McGuigan | Juli & Paul Rycus